影片名称:面具圣徒 - 电影
After months of searching, I finally caught up with the Isaac Hayes blaxploitation hit Truck Turner. It's just not fair! This great action movie, Hayes' only lead role ever, is amazingly hard to find! I paid $15 to buy it at a Best Buy store, and I really got my money's worth. While I expected something along the lines of Shaft (and I wasn't disappointed there), I noticed a lot of similarities between this movie, made in 1974, and recent releases like L.A. Confidential and Jackie Brown! The plot: Hayes plays Mack"Truck" Turner, a former football star who was forced to retire due to an injury. Now he works as a bounty hunter with his partner Jerry (Alan Weeks is great!) When he kills his most recent target, a pimp named Gator, he's in trouble with Mack Daddy Harvard Blue and his vicious hoes, as well as a one-eyed assassin and a lot of other unpleasant characters! Isaac Hayes proves that he can act almost as good as he can sing! Nichelle Nicols of"Star Trek" gives the second-best performance in the movie as a hoe, Scatman Crothers is slick as Duke, the only pimp who backs Truck, and Annazette Chase is surprisingly good as Truck's lady! This one is a real classic. If you like Isaac Hayes, or"blaxploitation", and you find this movie somewhere, no matter how much it costs, buy it. It's worth it. **** out of ****
Der Fund einer Leiche in einer Hannoveraner Müllverbrennungsanlage ruft Charlotte Lindholm auf den Plan. Das Schicksal der 16-jährigen mutmaßlichen Prostituierten berührt sie besonders; wer ist so skrupellos und wirft ein junges Mädchen einfach in den Müll?
Two brothers, who were born between Vladimir Crebinsky, and María Cribeiro. A walking-film of absurd pursuits, inner journeys and unexpected encounters: the Crebinskys travel without knowing where they are going and end up finding out where they come from.
托马斯(约翰·海斯勒 John Hasler 配音)想要参加了不起的火车比赛,然而,他的这一决定却遭到了其他火车头们的嘲笑。他们觉得托马斯太普通了,根本比不过那些高大威猛或者漂亮可爱的火车头们。
A mother's worst nightmare comes true when her teenage daughter goes missing.
《面具圣徒 - 电影》在大陆发行,杨洋影视收集了《面具圣徒 - 电影》PC网页端在线观看、手机mp4免费观看、高清云播放等资源,如果你有更好更快的资源请联系杨洋影视。
1.请问哪个APP/平台可以免费在线观看谍战《面具圣徒 - 电影》?速度快的!!!
br>樱花动漫网友:《面具圣徒 - 电影》免vip在线观看地址:https://www.yyyyang.com/voddetail/259601975.html
br>2.《面具圣徒 - 电影》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?
br>3.《面具圣徒 - 电影》都有哪些演员?
br>4.谍战《面具圣徒 - 电影》一共有多少集?
br>5.《面具圣徒 - 电影》有哪些网站可以下载?
br> br>6.《面具圣徒 - 电影》的票房有多少?